Daisy and Ollie (S4)

blog - Daisy and Ollie (S4) on Jim Jam on StarSat

Daisy and Ollie (S4)

Daisy and Ollie are two of the nicest, most curious siblings you’ll ever meet.

Joining them in their fun is Boo the Monkey and Whizzy the Robot. Boo the Monkey is a ball of energy always willing to have a bit of fun. Whizzy the Robot is a smarty-pants who loves sharing interesting facts.

Together, they love learning new things and going on fun adventures. They can’t go anywhere without asking a bunch of questions or trying new things. They’ll even use their imaginations to make their own fun.

Daisy and Ollie also love music. Sing and dance along to your favourite nursery rhymes.

Daisy and Ollie is a show made for pre-schoolers to encourage them to discover more about the world. The light-hearted entertainment is grounded, letting kids relate to the adventures on screen. The animation style is beautifully simple, and the animations smooth and easy to follow. The voice acting is good, so you won’t mind having it play in the background. Your kids will love it.

At 08:24 AM on Jim Jam (ch 303) from Thursday, 01 July

Author: Jan Hendrik Harmse