TBN Yetu

Channel 346


Website excerpt:


TBN Yetu derives its name from Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), the largest Christian television network in the world, and ‘Yetu’ a Swahili word meaning ‘Ours.’ The launch of this exciting new channel is in line with TBN Africa’s vision, which is to reach countries across the African continent with Christian programming that is authentic, afro-centric and thought-provoking.


Matthew Crouch, President of TBN International said, “For forty-seven years the mission of TBN has remained unchanged. It’s to use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ.” As these means have grown over the last decade with online platforms becoming one of the main players in the content distribution space, TBN Yetu’s further mission will be to take the gospel not only to every home in Africa but also to place it in every online device, allowing for African audiences to take it with them wherever they go.


This is the ‘Yetu’ in TBN Yetu where audiences will be given ownership of the channel as they will be able to decide where and when they would prefer to experience the life-changing programming on this channel. Furthermore, the original programming that is home-grown, representing a wider range of regions on the African continent will distinguish TBN Yetu as a channel that truly reflects the vibrant and diverse worship of Africa.


Lucky Mbiko, Managing Director of TBN Africa, says, “It is to be expected that after four years on the ground, following the launch of TBN Africa, we have come to understand the unique way that Africa loves to worship. TBN Yetu hopes to complement this worship with programming that will showcase the love that God has for this continent.”

Max Package, Religion, Special Package, Super Package